We live in a Faustian society. At the core is the idea of continuous growth. We are chronically insatiable. We act to make it easier, and faster. The cost of seeking the maximum benefit is unreasonable. Faust has been used as a metaphor for what the modern man is. We are never satisfied with what we have been able to achieve on our own.Artist Collective Kunst’s Faustian Mountain takes a stand in a world where social, economic, and geopolitical decisions alter the environment in a way that affects everything. In the exhibition, the visitor can step up on the observation deck and look through binoculars at a virtual landscape that consists of statistics and data flow that describe the state of the world.
Materials: VR, Oculus 2, sound, lights, wood, 2021
The artwork has been exhibited in Poriginal gallery, Pori and in HAA Gallery, in Viaborg, Helsinki.